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Mapping sensitive resources to minimize project disturbance

Sonoma and Marin Counties, California
  • WRA, Inc.

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) wanted to improve its commuter rail system in Sonoma County by extending the service from the Sonoma County Airport station to the town of Windsor, California. The SMART Windsor Extension Project will include rehabilitating approximately 3.5 miles of the existing Northwestern Pacific Railroad right-of-way from Airport Boulevard to the town of Windsor approximately half a mile north of Windsor River Road as well as rehabilitate/reconstruct existing trestles and bridges.

Our job? Providing a range of environmental services as a prime contractor to SMART since being issued a master services agreement (MSA) in 2018. As part of this project, we classified and mapped all aquatic and upland habitat communities within the project area and assessed if the communities could support state-listed, federally-listed, or other special-status plant and wildlife species. We surveyed, classified, and provided geographical information system (GIS) reports on cultural resources and prepared a biological assessment/essential fish habitat assessment for the National Marine Fisheries Service.

When complete, the Sonoma-Marin Rail Transit expansion will improve transit services for many communities in Sonoma County and open the way for further expansions in Northern California. 

Sonoma and Marin Counties, California
  • WRA, Inc.

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