Hearing what people have to say and understanding why a project might be needed is one of Emma’s favourite parts of her role as General Manager for our Community Development business. She’s well known for bringing together a broad range of stakeholders with differing viewpoints to a place of shared understanding on large infrastructure projects.
Instead of delivering projects to a community, Emma believes when we have a deep understanding of the impacts and benefits infrastructure projects can have on our communities and the environment, this allows us to ensure we deliver projects for our communities.
With a keen interest in water management, she can be credited for developing the award-winning ‘Check, Clean, Dry’ campaign to manage the risk of didymo, an invasive freshwater algae, in New Zealand. The result? Successful changes in attitudes and behaviours of fresh waterway users and the slowed spread of didymo.
In her spare time Emma enjoys mountain biking or catching up with friends.